Solid Works Training 

Students join six weeks/months Industrial Training programs

 It is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software program

We mainly focus on The needs of the industries.

We provides.

  • The exercise based on the project for industries.
  • Video Tutorial for self practice.
  • Video classes for better concept generation. .
  • We guide each and every student for better career.

                                                                               3d design

SOLID WORKS  is a Software which analyze solid MODEL. Based on parametric approach to create  models and assembly. Parameter refers to constrains to determine the value of the shape or geometry of any Model or assembly. It can be either Numeric Parameter such as Line, Length or Circle Diameters. OR Geometric Parameters,such as Tangent, Parallel, Concentric, Horizontal or Vertical etc.Numeric parameter will also be associated with each other through the use of relations, which allow them to capture design intent.



Design intent is how the creator of the part want to respond to the changes and updates. For example you would want the whole at the top of the beverage can to stay the top surfaces,regardless of the height or the size of the can.SOLID WORKS allows the user to specifies that the whole is features on the top surfaces and will then honor their design intent no matter how what height they latter assign to the can.

Features refers to the building blocks of the part.They are the shapes and  operations that construct the part.shape based features typically begins with 2-D and 3-D SKETCHES OF SHAPES such as  BOSSES, HOLES etc. This shapes then extruded and cut to add or remove material from the part.In it operation based features are not sketched based and include features such as fillet champers sells etc.